office (619)
fax (619) 232-1859
Patrick Barry is a trial lawyer who actually tries cases. Many lawyers advertise and promote themselves as trial lawyers, yet few have actually tried a number cases, let alone to successful results. The terms these advertising lawyers often use, such as “aggressive” or “committed”, are somewhat shallow unless the plaintiff lawyer is respected by the defendant insurance company as a competent trial lawyer.
Over 95% of all civil lawsuits settle before trial. A proper settlement is as equally a “win” for a plaintiff as is a jury verdict. The ability to achieve a proper settlement however, is largely dependent on what the potential result might be if the case were tried. In formulating their settlement offers, insurance companies evaluate the defendant’s trial win versus loss risk and what a probable verdict might be if the plaintiff were to win. If a plaintiff is represented by an inexperienced trial lawyer, the defendant’s settlement offer will inevitably be lower than it would be if the plaintiff were represented by a successful trial lawyer.
In addition to his own trial experience, Mr. Barry and his office also offer a unique situation for the handling of your case. Plaintiff lawyer firms generally fall into two categories: 1) small, solo practice type offices; or 2) large firm offices with multiple lawyers. Both types of offices offer certain benefits as well as certain potential negatives. In the small firm a client will usually receive a more “hands on”, personal touch type treatment with the trial lawyer handling most all steps of the case. However, the solo office may not have the resources or ability to effectively handle the bigger case against the big defense law firm that might “outnumber” the plaintiff lawyer in certain cases. The large firm usually has the resources and numbers to battle the big insurance defense firm, but the day to day handling of the case may be done by lesser experienced associates. At the large firm with a large case load you may be a “number” that has little contact with experienced trial lawyer.
Mr. Barry has experience working as a solo practitioner, a partner in a medium size firm, and working with large firms in association on specific cases. He has seen what the best aspects of each situation are. With his current practice, Mr. Barry believes he can offer the best possible situation, namely, both personal touch and strength in numbers.
When you retain Mr. Barry an individualized decision will be made on how your case will best be handled. Mr. Barry may solely handle your claim. However, other types of cases, depending on the size and severity, may be handled in association with professional colleagues. AT NO ADDED EXPENSE OR FEE to the client, Mr. Barry often associates with colleague law firms such as Rosenberg, Shpall and Associates, the Law Offices of Robert F. Vaage, or the Law Offices of Scott S. Harris to name a few. A prospective client retaining Mr. Barry will therefore have the benefit of not only his experience and “hands on” touch, but also the man/woman power that a bigger law firm might bring to a case.
Mr. Barry also brings to each case a balanced
perspective of what the relative strengths or weaknesses of a case
might be. Mr. Barry’s
mediation training and experience add to his effectiveness as a
trial lawyer in achieving optimum results for potential clients.
A realistic assessment of the probable settlement value of a
case is essential.
Experience is the primary factor in being able to gauge what maximum
value might be and what the chances of receiving that value are.
Patrick Barry is one of the few trial lawyers in
We will provide initial legal consultations to our prospective clients at no cost.
You may visit with us at our San Diego law offices or we can make
other arrangements.